Conan in Kinetic Typography

We all know goodbye speeches can be inspiring (I have Lou Gehrig‘s as an epitome of goodbye speeches). Grace, strength, humor, honesty…you can glean into someone’s soul through these final words.

Jacob Gilbreath, a graphic design student at Oklahoma State University, took to Conan O’Brian’s last monologue on his short-lived The Tonight Show run and created this beautifully done, three-dimensional kinetic typographic landscape.

Inspired by Lou Dorfsman’s Gastrotypographicalassemblage, Jacob created a literal wall from over 60 individual typographic layouts with various eclectic type design. He combined vintage-style typography and modern 3D letter forms to contrast between old and new, emphasize time and create a sturdy and timeless object which is the perfect metaphor for Conan.

To me, this is just one fun motion typographic journey with twists and turns that makes you smile and glad that you get stuff like this out of undergraduate school projects. Bravo, Jacob!

The concept behind this video is to show Conan O’Brien as a solid wall and a monumental entertainer.