Archived entries for nice work

The Impressive Ice Book

The Ice Book is a miniature theater show, a shadow pop-up book that comes to life in with a touch of flickering magic. Shadows play and lights mesmerize. Armed only with sheets of paper and light, a story of mystery and magic is beautifully told in a shadow-and-light play designed to give a live audience an intimate and immersive experience of film, theatre, dance, mime and animation.

Behind the impressive project is a very dedicated and artistically brilliant duo, Davy and Kristin McGuire. Enamored by old pre-cinematic optical illusions (zeotropes, magic lanterns) and inspired by early 20th century Russian fairytales and German expressionism, they set out to complete this project in four months with a small amount of money. And it’s a tall order:  They had to buy an instruction book on how to make pop-ups.

Here’s how they summarized the project:

All we had was a 5D Mark ii, an old Macbook with After Effects, some builders lights and a green cloth that we improvised as a makeshift green-screen. Before we started we had no idea how to make pop-up books let alone how we could combine them with projections. With a lot of care, love and arguing the idea eventually came to life.

Go behind the scenes and see how brilliantly humbling the “film set” is, from the makeshift green screen to the cardboard “stage” to project the light into. Kudos to Kristin who did all of the meticulous paper cutting (from one X-Acto lover to another: It must’ve taken ages!).

I’m certainly humbled by the ingenuity, simplicity and dedication poured into this project. I leave you to be awed by it.

Crowdbeacon Says Hello, World!

Big day at Squeaky HQ today: Just launched Crowdbeacon, a potential game changer/ relocation application and it got some tech blogs going.

What is Crowdbeacon? Crowdbeacon answers questions with the help of your local community, and aggregated answers from other location-based services.1 As a service that’s focused around answering different sorts of questions like finding a good Mexican cantina, or getting a massage while on vacation, it links you to a specific local community and crowdsources other Crowdbeacon users and businesses in the area to get good, real answers.

Yes, businesses can sign up too. Business owners can answer questions when someone asks a question within six blocks of their business in their categories; They’ll get the question via push notification on their iPhones. Some businesses will definitely try to get “beaconers” into their store-front and turn them into customer but according to Erick Schonfeld, Co-Editor of TechCrunch, “others will realize that simply offering up their knowledge can generate goodwill and good buzz.” In addition to businesses providing answers, “Crowdbeacon will also surface related tips from FourSquare, reviews from Yelp, and shopping info from local shopping search engine Wishpond.”2

I spoke to founder Robert Boyle about this social Q&A service, how Crowdbeacon can help people, and the brand’s future goals. Oh, and for those who are itching to try their hands on start-ups, he drops a few nuggets on how to do that, too.


What ignited the spark in you to start Crowdbeacon? How did the idea come about?

Robert Boyle (RB): The idea came about because we recognized that there was a practical vacuum in the market for a location-based service that was  a utility. This isn’t in any way knocking existing LBS leaders, but my background is in solving practical problems—and we felt like combining location and communication was a way we could solve the practical problem that comes with being in a foreign place when you need to find something that is time-sensitive or location-specific.

How do you define success for Crowdbeacon?

RB: Well, it depends. For Squeaky, launching a product like Crowdbeacon is a huge success because it lets the world know the kind of talent that the Squeaky management team has been cultivating for years—so that’s a win. For me personally, I will define success by a successful exit (i.e, $) or changing the course of human history—and with Crowdbeacon $ is more likely than the latter. 🙂

What is the best way to achieve long-term success for this venture?

RB: The best way to achieve long-term success with Crowdbeacon is to grow slowly. Our job at first is to introduce the concept that communication can power location, and see how users deal with this proposition. Once we’ve done that, we’re going to raise our first round of capital and deploy “launch teams” of 10-15 people in major US markets to provide real expert/influencer feedback for users in those markets on the ground. From there, we will grow based on how effective our product and marketing is… but if we stick to the plan of listening to users and iterating, long-term success will come.

How can you prevent mistakes or do damage control?

RB: You can never fully prevent mistakes—we’re all humans—but the important thing is when you are doing damage control is to remain laser-focused on your goal; which for us at Crowdbeacon means changing the way people feel about the potential of location and how important communication can be in this paradigm. Also, I have a saying that my wife hates which is that Proper Preparation Prevents Problems… the 4P’s… so I try to be as prepared as possible to avoid damage control and mistakes, or else I look like a self-righteous dick.

Where did the funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it?

RB: We are very proud to say that Crowdbeacon is a fully-bootstrapped startup that was funded entirely by Squeaky Wheel Media.

What has been your most satisfying moment in realizing Crowdbeacon?

RB: I would say the moment we realized that we could incorporate the Twilio API to get “notifications” to local businesses was the most satisfying moment for me personally. Specifically, our product is focused very heavily on driving consumers to local businesses based on what they need – in exchange for these businesses helping users find what they are looking for – but we knew that most local/small businesses are not as tech savvy as our internal team of nerds… which was a giant problem. The moment I realized we could connect with Twilio to call the businesses, and that we could automate the entire process, was the most satisfying moment because it ended with a huge problem being solved. Also, launching. Ha.

What makes you happy?

RB: Family, friends, food and money. Also, I like working.

Well, amen to that! Stay tuned for updates because Android is coming—hopefully very—soon.


1Lifehacker:Crowdbeacon Answers Your Local, Community-Based Questions

2TechCrunch: Social Q&A Goes Local With Crowdbeacon’s iPhone App

Designer Highlight: Nicholas Felton

The Data Visualization Series is where you’ll find information graphic and data visualization projects, trends, people, stories and perspectives that inspire me.


Data visualization is on the rise recently. You see excellent examples showcased on digital magazine (e.g. GOOD Magazine) or commissioned by corporation (e.g. GE Data Visualization) and organization/institution (e.g. The World Bank, MIT). Discussion & expert panels emerged (e.g. AIGANY) and debates started (e.g. Data Visualization vs. Infographics). It seems appropriate to start a series of posts highlighting the work, the concept and especially the people behind them.

What is an infographic? It is a visual representation of information, data or knowledge that are effective, both artistic and clear in conveying the information to the audience. I’m talking about the good ones, of course, and you know it’s a good one when complex information are explained quickly and clearly, and made you want to explore/interact/play with the data. And with innovative thinking, data visualization brings forward “new and more powerful mechanisms of perception and persuasion.”


Recently, I came across some published infographic & data visualization works that are just stunning. They made me wish I did them. (Sadly, I didn’t.) So this is what I can do: Highlight the people behind some of the best ones I’ve seen lately. Today, it’s Nicholas Felton from

Nicholas Felton frequently designs information graphics for numerous corporations and publications. His work has been profiled in publications including the Wall Street Journal, Wired and Creative Review.

He is best known as the author of several Personal Annual Reports, produced since 2005, that collate countless measurements into a rich assortment of graphs and maps reflecting the year’s activities.

These annual reports showcases not only gorgeous end-of-year visualizations of everything he did from travel to dining to number of pictures taken. Fun and a lot of darn work! So it makes perfect sense that he co-founded Daytum, an elegant and intuitive tool for counting and communicating personal statistics.

The web-based application “lets you ‘Collect, Categorize, and Communicate’ datapoints for any random activity you feel like tracking… and generate endless Feltron-esque visualizations.”1 Of course it comes with an iPhone app just in case you have to update on-the-go.

Back to Felton’s Annual Report, recently it became part of MoMA’s Talk To Me exhibition. MoMa considered it because “it fits our idea of great design: Felton is not only using elegant design to tell an emotional story, but it is also a parody on the corporate Annual Report. By distilling a human being’s emotional state into quantitative information, the visualizations are trying to make sense of how he feels on a given day and along the course of one year. The piece has provoked us to reflect on how we process information.”2

Felton successfully create something interesting and innovative out of things most people find mundane and often discard as useless. His elegant visualizations can be had via the limited-edition, hand-signed and numbered books so you can physically hold these beautiful visualization up close. (p.s.: The 2009 Annual Report is sold out, selling like hot cakes. It’s OK, I’m waiting for the 2010 report.)


1 Fast Company’s Co.Design: Daytum iPhone App Turns Your Daily Life Into Infographics

2 MoMA: The 2009 Feltron Annual Report

iPad apps – Automotive brands: Winter 2010

Apple iPad hit the US stores in April 2010 and the landscape of digital experience shifted. The expectation definitely shifted in a big way: It’s not enough to have a website and a mobile application anymore for a brand to be cool, hip or technologically superior, especially if you are a brand that prides itself on technological advancement, such as an automotive brand.

Since I try to diligently keep up with digital trends for myself, my company—Squeaky Wheel Media—and my clients, I keep a lookout on the general trends in industries my clients are in, including the automotive industry for Lexus. Here’s my roundup on what iPad apps are out there in the automotive industry, starting with luxury automotive brands:

Audi — A8 Experience & Car Magazine

The Audi A8 Experience iPad app is an interactive brochure with built-in virtual tour of the exterior and interior. The app allows you to build and price your own custom A8 and  read the latest news & reviews. You can also take the iPad to your local Audi dealer to unlock even more content.

Don’t forget Audi Magazine iPad app, which TheNextWeb gushes about (see Audi Unleashes A 500-Horsepower iPad Magazine). The app is Flipboard-like, allowing you to drag, enlarge, slide… basically slosh the content around however you want.

No wonder it was gushed over even by non-car enthusiasts.

BMW Magazine

The BMW Magazine iPad app is glossy magazine with interactive features that pack a pretty powerful punch. Yes, it lets you read the articles and does it with ease and fluidity. Yes, it has full-screen videos that lets you hear the engine purrs along. But it goes beyond simple magazine reading; it lets you play. User can play with some of the cars and even finger paint one of BMW’s famous Art Cars.1

BMW doesn’t forget that its car and drivers who love them are part of a certain lifestyle. The app lets you utilize the car navigation feature, guiding you to a restaurant featured in the app’s travel article. Now that’s neat.

Other notables in the luxury automotive brands?

These three iPad apps are just brochures or lifestyle magazines but boy, do they know how to make you look with: Beautiful photography, attractive layout & typography… anything to make the product truly shines.


Now I’m rounding up signature brands in general automotive arena who I still believe always push for better and smarter:

VW — Volkswagen Das

True to its DNA, Volkswagen Das iPad app is an interactive magazine with “zing!” It makes full use of iPad’s native ‘swipe’, ‘tap’ and ‘touch’ interface so users can browse the 360-degree car views, videos and articles, as well as utilize certain interactive features created to highlight a VW model featured in the issue (e.g. a feature to test the ascent angle of the new Touareg in the Summer 2010 issue).

“DAS. is an important building block in Volkswagen’s digital marketing strategy and gives us the opportunity for an interactive dialog with our customers. Our goal is to transmit the fascination of the brand and its products in a new digital dimension, creating a global experience,” Luca de Meo, Head of Marketing at the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, said at the launch of the iPad app.2

I know VW lovers are fanatical about their VW and I hope they’re happy with the app. I personally love the different design styles between different magazine issues but hey, I don’t own a VW.

Jeep — 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee

The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee iPad app is basically a touch-based brochure for the latest Jeep Grand Cherokee mode. Continuing with its “The things we make, make us” campaign, the app houses designer interviews, product spec sheets, photo gallery and the story of how the things we make, make us. It also integrates the Jeep brand website, dealer locator, Facebook pages, YouTube channel, etc.


I have to admit, I was really excited when I heard about MINI TV iPad app. Well, I was pretty disappointed. No Flipboard-y swipe, no cool doodats.

I understand it is called MINI TV app so it’s more like a YouTube channel. But MINI never “just” does something; all the stuff it did was always above expectation, so when this app delivers exactly what it said, über disappointed.

Sorry, MINI. You need to do Version 2.0.

Honda — The Honda CR-Z Experience for iPad

The Honda CR-Z Experience is basically an interactive brochure of the all-new CR-Z Sport Hybrid from Honda. The app comes with multi-dimensional views, hot spots, customizable colors and an interface optimized for touching, tapping and swiping. The CR-Z fans seem very happy and the app lets them learn more about their vehicle than they would on the website.

Ford — 2011 Ford Fiesta

The latest newcomer into the iPad app for automotive brands, the 2011 Ford Fiesta iPad app is pretty standard: Exterior and interior 360, videos, locate dealership, etc. One nifty little feature I like is the body graphic, aka tattoo for your car skin.

UPDATE (1.11.2011):

Hyundai — Equus iPad Owner Experience

The latest addition in the automotive iPad race is this beautifully done iPad Equus app by Hyundai, which 16GB WiFi iPad comes standard with every Hyundai Equus as a complete Owner’s Manual, providing its owner with “everything you need to know about this exceptional vehicle is literally at your fingertips.”

The app is beautifully done, with user interactivity that takes full advantage of iPad’s native touch feature to showcase the Equus model.  The iPad app offers many features that other auto-maker should take note of: 3D vehicle walk-around, videos of various interior configurations (e.g. reclining “First Class” rear seats with leg-rests) and interactive demonstrations of vehicle safety features (e.g. directional headlights). It even offers what looks to be something of a driving game.

Packaged in a bespoke leather case with an embossed logo, suede interior, and even kickstand, now that’s what I call a proper iPad app!


That sums it up for now. There are more out there but we’re just starting, the apps mostly are still version 1.0,  so I’ll keep my eyes open and catch cool ones for the next industry roundup. And with the iPad 2 looming in the horizon, it will be interesting to see how any of apps will take advantage of its 3-axis gyroscope.

Of course we’re not leaving out our client, Lexus. Something is definitely in the works. (Wink!)

p.s. Thanks, PadGadget and TheNextWeb, for being such an awesome resource!


1PadGadget: Updated BMW Car Magazine Hits the iPad App Store
PadGadget: Volkswagen Launches iPad App

Wanderfly: Spark Your Wanderful Journey

I haven’t gone on vacation in what seems like forever (Wait! It’s been more than 2 years, so it has been forever!) so when I saw Wanderfly via CoolHunting, I went ooh.

A simple interface greets you when you land, that makes it feels less of travel-planning, more of “show me what’s out there” based on your interests. The pretty vacation spot photo in the background also helps push the right “I want to be there right now” spot in my brain.

You choose your departing city, time frame and budget, and pick your heart’s desire. Mine: Five days in November, on a beach with food, spa and culture. From 1,200+ destinations in their database, Wanderfly told me that there are 22 spots I’d like best, including Fes, Morocco and  Half Moon Bay, California. To narrow down the results, you can click on the ones you’re interested in and then compare them in a simple next-n-previous-arrows browsing mode.

Wanderfly also offers rich, personalized content for each location, utilizing its partnership with the likes of Lonely Planet, Expedia, FourSquare, Not For Tourists, etc. to provide brief city guides with suggestion for accommodations and flights. Connect to Facebook and it scans Facebook to show you which of your friends are in each city you’re exploring. There are News via Twitter, Weather and coming soon, Destination Reviews, Travel Tips and Currency Conversion. And, for each of the activities you selected, there are recommendations from Yelp, Eventful and, just recently, Find. Eat. Drink.

Seems like this newbie—officially launched yesterday—is doing things right. Everything seems so simple and intuitive. Wanderfly motto is to help you discover new experiences. It wants to Spark Your Journey and I believe it did.

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.”

—Miriam Beard

So go ahead. Be adventurous. I’m so ready!

p.s. I found that quote at Wanderfly, while it was searching for my fabulous journey. How appropriate.

Via CoolHunting

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